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lunar rover [roving vehicle] 月上爬行器。

lunar scape

Based on the confirmation of driving force of lunar rover , we analyze the relationship between adhesion coefficient of road surface and wheel slip . in our research , several types of wheel force model are referenced among them , and we select the polynomial model with exponential function as the wheel force model of the lunar rover 圍繞月球車驅動力的確定,本文分析了路面附著系數與滑轉率的關系,以車輛動力學分析中常用的幾種車輪力模型為基礎,選擇了帶有指數函數的多項式模型作為分析月球車車輪附著力的模型。

The implementation uses two - dimension images as input . the arrangement of light spots on the lunar rover and the imaging geometry of the camera are used to compute the three - dimension coordinates of the light spots in camera coordinate system , and after transformation , the world coordinate of the light points . we can then easily get the coordinate value of center of mass of the rover after averaging the world coordinate value of light points 本文構造了一種光點配置單目ccd算法,它以計算機視覺系統采集的二維圖像信息作為輸入,直接利用光點的幾何配置條件和攝像機成像幾何關系,求解出光點在ccd攝像機坐標系下的三維坐標,并經過坐標變換,轉化為在世界坐標系下的坐標,然后取其平均值,從而得出月球車的中心位置。

Simulation results indicate this method is simple , effective and suitable for high accuracy relative navigation of lunar rover . and according to simulation , obtain relations between measuring accuracy and the number , and provide a basis for the navigation system design 仿真結果表明利用卡爾曼濾波對月球車的位置、姿態進行估計的這種方法能夠提供較為精確的相對位姿信息;并且依據仿真結果給出了定位精度與特征光點數目、位置的關系,為導航系統設計提供了依據。

In the stereo vision system of a lunar rover , the parameters of the cameras are fixed in the working and the requirement of precision is relatively low . therefore conventional calibration technique is selected after analyzing the merits and defects of various kinds of calibration methods 在月球車立體視覺中,由于攝像機的參數不經常變化,并且要求精度較高,因此本文通過分析各種攝像機標定方法的優缺點,將傳統的攝像機標定方法作為首選。

The wandering explorer such as lunar rover in order to improve its existent ability and complete lunar exploration mission successfully , they have to carry out independent operation and management . among them , one of the key techniques is how to obtain the position and attitude of lunar rover 月球車等漫游類探測器要提高生存能力并且成功完成科學探測任務,就必須實現自主運行和管理,其中關鍵技術之一是獲取自身的位置和姿態信息。

Lunar rover is a mobile robot exploring harsh lunar environment . rover development involves many new technologies , such as artificial intelligence , autocontrol , framework , communication , computer science , etc . the locomotion system is the basic and important subsystem of lunar rover 月球車是用于復雜地形探測的移動機器人,其研制涉及到多個學科領域,是人工智能、自動控制、機構學、信息技術及計算機技術等高新技術的結晶。

Experimental data indicates that the calibration and reconstruction method presented in this paper are feasible for application on a lunar rover . the research possesses important reference value to the design of stereo vision system for lunar rovers and other outdoor mobile robots 實驗結果表明,本文中所采用的標定和重建方法應用在月球車立體視覺系統上是可行的,為月球車及其它室外移動機器人視覺系統的實現提供一定的參考。

Abstract : this paper summarizes the vision system and autonomous navigation system for the lunar rover , discusses the vision system , controlling methods and path planning systems , at the end proposes a self - autonomous navigation system and some related methods 文摘:基于當前對于月球車、火星登陸機器人等的研究結果,介紹了月球車的視覺系統、控制方案和路徑規劃方法,并提出了對于月球車的控制方案的見解和路徑規劃的一些方法。

This paper addressed three problems for a nonholonomic mobile robot . first , dynamics model of a six - wheeled rocker lunar rover is built . then based on this model the control strategies are proposed for trajectory tracking control and point stabilization 本文以非完整移動機器人為控制對象,針對六輪獨立驅動搖臂式月球車進行建模,分別對月球車的軌跡跟蹤問題以及輸入受約束的點鎮定問題進行了研究。

Balance mechanism is one of the most important components in the motion subsystem of lunar rover . it will reduce the topography disturbance to the balance of lunar rover ’ s main body and coordinate the motion of the suspension and the wheels and the force acting on them 車體平衡機構是月球車移動系統的重要組成部分,起到減小主車體所受地形擾動,并協調移動系統懸架及車輪的運動和受力的作用。

The main work of this paper is proposing a innovative lunar rover with two - brace - slider suspension . the distinct characteristic of the configuration is translating perpendicular displacement of wheels into horizontal one of slider along main rocker 本文的主要工作是創新提出一種月球車?雙曲柄滑塊月球車,該月球車的顯著特點是將車輪的豎直位移轉化為滑塊沿主搖臂方向的水平位移。

This controller is designed to stabilize angle error , front error and side error separately based on the kinematic model of the rover . the simulation results show the lunar rover can be stabilized to expected point by our proposed method 以月球車的運動學模型為控制對象,分段鎮定月球車的方向角、前向誤差和側向誤差,最終使月球車鎮定到坐標原點。

This thesis will study the elementary prototype of the balance mechanism of lunar rover ’ s main body which bases on the differential mechanism . this elementary prototype will work in the circumstance of the earth 本文對基于錐齒輪差動輪系的月球車車體差動平衡機構在地球環境下的原理樣機的設計、分析及應用進行了系統的研究。

To ensure the safety of cruising on the lunar surface for lunar rover , a stereo vision system , which is used to provide the terrain information of surrounding , is installed on the lunar rover 為了確保月球車能夠在月球表面安全行走,月球車必須通過視覺系統準確地判斷其周圍的地形,本文選用了立體視覺技術來實現這部分功能。

The workshop included a visit to the unveiling of a remote controlled prototype lunar rover by inventors at the shanghai aerospace system engineering institute in minhang district , shanghai 研討會期間,專家們參觀了位于上海閔行區的上海航天控制工程研究所并目睹了首次公開亮相的可遙控月面巡視探測器(簡稱

Having synthesized the advanced technology of navigation in the world and its own characteristics of the lunar rover , we adopted visual navigation systems as lunar - rover ’ s main work modes 綜合國際上導航的先進技術以及月球車的自身特點,本文采用了基于卡爾曼濾波的視覺導航系統作為主要的工作模式。

In order to achieve autonomous navigation in the moon environment , the lunar rover must know where it is all the time , and can planning a reasonable route based on the current environment 月球車要實現在月面環境下自主導航首先必須時時刻刻清楚自己的位置,之后能根據當前環境規劃出一條合理的路徑。

To synthesis the advanced navigation technology and the characteristic of the lunar rover , the computer vision is selected as the main mode of the navigation system of the lunar rover 綜合國際上導航的先進技術以及月球車的自身特點,本文采用視覺導航作為月球車導航系統的主要工作模式。

The performance of the lunar rover depends mostly on the performance of the lunar rover ’ s wheel , so it is important to study the mechanical performance of the wheel of lunar rover 月球車的運動性能在很大程度上取決于月球車車輪的運動與力學性能,因而對此進行深入研究就顯得非常重要。